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Cargo Capacity46 SCU
SCM Speed220 m/s
Afterburner Speed1,115m/s
Min/Max Crew2/2
Pitch Max85.0 - deg/s
Yaw Max90.0 - deg/s
Roll Max110.0 - deg/s
X-Axis Acceleration49.4 - m/s/s
Y-Axis Acceleration50.4 - m/s/s
Z-Axis Acceleration49.6 - m/s/s
Weapons Mounts
Gun Hardpoints4x S3 Hard Mount Lasers
1 S3 Manned Turret
Missiles6x S4 racks with 4x S2 Missiles each
Utility Items1x S1 Tracker Beam

Sales Pitch:

Attention all spacefarers, explorers, and militia units patrolling near Grim Hex and Yela in the Stanton System! Are you looking for a reliable, versatile, and robust ship to navigate the unpredictable regions of space? Look no further than the Drake Cutlass Black!

The Cutlass Black is a medium-sized ship designed by Drake Interplanetary, known for its low-cost and easy-to-maintain solutions. With a larger-than-average cargo hold capable of carrying up to 46 SCUs of cargo, it’s perfect for those unexpected salvage operations or for transporting essential supplies.

But that’s not all! The Cutlass Black is armed to the teeth. With four pilot-controlled Size 3 gun hard-points, a manned turret which can hold a pair of Size 3 guns, and racks that can hold eight Size 3 and sixteen Size 2 missiles, you’ll be more than capable of defending yourself against any threats that lurk near Grim Hex and Yela.

The Cutlass Black also features a spacious crew area which includes a pair of beds, a small kitchenette, two 500k µSCU storage lockers, and four fully functional gun racks. So whether you’re on a long patrol or need to rest between skirmishes, the Cutlass Black has got you covered.

When it comes to speed, the Cutlass Black doesn’t disappoint. It has an SCM speed of 220 m/s, ensuring you can quickly respond to any situation near Grim Hex and Yela.

In terms of combat handling, the Cutlass Black is very popular among pirates. It has a power comparable to medium fighters such as the Sabre or the SuperHornet. With a good pilot and an equipped turret gunner, it’s a formidable adversary in duels. Some pilots suggest using all size 3 laser repeaters and all size one “arrow” missiles to maximize damage payload.

And the best part? The Drake Cutlass Black is available at an affordable in-game price of 1,385,300 aUEC. You can purchase it at the New Deal store at Teasa Spaceport on Hurston. For Citizens visiting from a different reality, the Cutlass Black can be purchased for $110. So why wait? Equip yourself with the Drake Cutlass Black today and secure the space. Safe travels, and may the stars guide your path!

And remember, they say Drake ships are like duct tape - versatile, reliable, and can fix just about any problem in a pinch! Just don’t forget to check for any loose panels before you take off!

This message is brought to you by Drake Interplanetary: For when you need dependability on a budget. Fly safe out there!

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