Estimated reading time: 2 min


Cargo Capacity0
SCM Speed280 m/s
Afterburner Speed1315 m/s
Min/Max Crew1/1
Pitch Max110.0 deg/s
Yaw Max110.0 deg/s
Roll Max150.0 deg/s
X-Axis Acceleration92.8 m/s/s
Y-Axis Acceleration108.7 m/s/s
Z-Axis Acceleration92.8 m/s/s
Weapons Mounts
Gun HardpointsS4 Revenant Gatling Ballistic Gatling
2x S3 CF-337 Panther Repeater Laser Repeater
2x S1 YellowJacket GT-210 Gatling Ballistic Gatling
Missiles2x Tempest II
2x Ignite II
These Specs are pulled from the Matrix of Lies
While we will update them as we are able to get real game data, please feel free to submit an update if you see something that is incorrect.

Sales Pitch:

“The ‘verse keeps getting bigger, but some things never change. Whatever you got, no matter how much or how little, there’s always someone waiting to take it from you. You either let it happen or you fight. Don’t know about you, but I’m damn well gonna fight.”

- Dosh Mallory, famed frontiersman, 2656

Wise words from Dosh, engraved in the hearts of every frontiersman who ventured forth into the black, hoping to carve out a little piece for themselves. Yet something happens to a person, when time and time again, the things that they have worked so hard for get taken from them. Either by the government as excessive taxes, by the local “protection” forces, or by the syndicate itself. Some will band together and will try to rise up, forcing the aggressors to hear them say that enough is enough. Most will be branded as outlaws, either by their actions directly, or by their association with those around them. And what ship do most turn to in their time of turmoil, but the Drake Buccaneer.

A single seater interdiction fighter, the Drake Buccaneer was designed to fight above its weight class as a civilian contender to the military Hornet or Gladius. Specializing in the one thing it knows, day in and out combat, the Buccaneer is a no-frills fighter, stripping out everything that did not conform to this purpose (including those supple hyperpillows). Highly maneuverable with 24 fixed maneuvering thrusters, the twin main thrusters allow you to quickly keep pace while dogfighting at an impressive 280 m/s SCM. Should you need to get in quick for the first punch, the Buccaneer’s max speed of 1315 m/s can have you in range before your target knows you are there.

Updated over the years, the under turret was replaced in the current iteration by a spinal mount capable of equipping a size 4 gun, or a turret with two size 2 guns. In addition, two size 3 guns are mounted under the Buccaneer’s wings with two size 1 guns mounted on the wingtips. Should you be facing a larger foe, the Buccaneer has 2 missile racks, capable of carrying a size 3 missiles each or three size 1 missiles each.

So, weather you are still running with your Org, providing cover while you get that shipment of ore mined and delivered so that your colony can survive another day. If you have said enough is enough, that if they won't play by the rules, then you won’t either. You know, that there is only one ship that has the teeth, reliability, and the stamina to go toe to toe against the people that stand in your way; the Drake Buccaneer.

The Buccaneer is available in Pyro for the low, low price of a distraction and the ability to “commandeer” a ship, or in Stanton at the New Deal in Lorville for 1,410,100 aUEC. Unfortunately, for our Citizens visiting from a dystopian alternate reality, the Buccaneer is not for sale.

Would you like to know more?


  1. The Drake Buccaneer Sets Sail - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42
  2. The Buccaneer - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42
  3. Buccaneer | Star Citizen Wiki | Fandom
  4. #DPSCalculator (
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