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Sales Pitch:

Picture if you will, an alternate timeline, where the Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote from the historical records are still running strong. Imagine that Wile E. Coyote invested in Drake instead of ACME Inc. when the Roadrunner went to the stars. That Drake took this chase of epic proportions very seriously and designed a ship that not only could catch the Roadrunner, but might finally bring about its demise? If you are able to picture this ship, then you are probably thinking of the Drake Herald.

Introduced in 2945 by Drake Intergalactic, the Herald quickly rose to prominence as being the front runner for courier services. Designated as the courier ship of choice, the Herald won FTL Courier Service multiple awards in 2945, including the coveted Vunder Magazine Innovation Awards Top Honors.

Designed to be crewed by a single person, the Herald was made with a single purpose in mind, to get the package or data to the client as quickly and safely as possible. To do this, the Herald’s 2 main engines let the ship run at 235 m/s for Space Combat Maneuvers (SCM) speed, and push the Heralds 66,031kg mass an outstanding 1,360 m/s when pushing the engines to full throttle. But much like a bullet train traveling at high speeds, the Herald sacrifices maneuverability at to maintain these speeds.

Should the Herald ever find itself in the position that it is unable to run, it is not without teeth. Armed with a protective armored shell, the Herald boast one size 3 gun, two size 2 guns, and 2 size 3 missile hardpoint carrying 4 missile each. If failure appears inevitable, the Herald is able to scrub its data cores to prevent capture.

The Interior of the Herald consist of a single compartment broken into 3 distinct sections: cockpit, data interception/storage, and a single bunk at the rear. The cockpit, consists of a single pilot’s chair and a cohesive blending of analog switches and digital displays that are the trademark of all Drake ships. Directly behind the pilot’s chair is a gun storage rack for ease of access in case of boarders. Next is the data interception/storage area with a powerful data terminal on one wall, and server racks on the other. Finally, at the rear of the ship is a small personal cabin with a single bunk for those extended courier or data mining missions.

Available at New Deal in Lorville for 1,181,100 aUEC, the Herald is the perfect addition to any Citizen’s fleet. For Citizens visiting from a distant reality, the Herald is unfortunately not for sale at this time.

So, can the Herald catch the Roadrunner? Maybe, maybe not. But one thing is for sure. It will get Wile E. Coyote as close as possible in record time.

Would you like to know more?


  1. Introducing the Drake Herald Brochure
  2. The Herald - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42
  3. DRAKE Herald - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42
  4. Herald - Star Citizen Wiki
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