Estimated reading time: 3 min


Cargo Capacity12 SCU
SCM Speed165 m/s
Afterburner Speed1,114 m/s
Min/Max Crew1/1
Pitch Max- deg/s
Yaw Max- deg/s
Roll Max- deg/s
X-Axis Acceleration- m/s/s
Y-Axis Acceleration- m/s/s
Z-Axis Acceleration- m/s/s
Weapons Mounts
Gun Hardpoints2x S1 Laser Repeaters
Utility Items2x S1 Salvage Beams
These Specs are pulled from the Matrix of Lies
While we will update them as we are able to get real game data, please feel free to submit an update if you see something that is incorrect.

Sales Pitch:

So, you finally did it… you stuck it to old man Hurston and were able to get enough scrap together to buy off your contract with enough extra credits for a down payment on a ship. And what ship did you pick? A flashy Arrow, swift to take the fight to your foes? A sturdy Cutter, perfect for the van life down by the river? A rugged Prospector perhaps, on your way to become a miner 49’er? Nope, you came from scrap and scrap is what you know. It is the Salvaging life for you, and you alone. So, what ship did you buy? None other than the industrial Drake Vulture.

Introduced in 2938 by Drake Interplanetary, the Drake Vulture is a salvage ship through and through. Designed for those that long for freedom and equality, the Vulture is the latest ship for those that long to leave the cooperate worlds behind and set off on their own. Hailed as the wrecker of the skies, the Vulture is a single crew ship designed for professional salvaging or industrial cargo transport. Equipped with 12 SCU of primary cargo storage for the scrap that you find, you will be printing money in no time as you fly around cleaning up everyone else’s derelict ships. Should you run into pirates (or the law, we won’t judge), the Vulture’s 2 S1 Laser Repeaters will buy you enough time to either spool up your quantum drive for a hasty retreat, or to push the engines to give you their full 1,114 m/s as you dash for that asteroid field to hide. Hopefully, you will be able to find a large enough crater in one of the asteroids to hide the 33m long, 16m wide, and 9m tall Vulture. Make no mistake, while the Vulture does boast an SCM speed of 165 m/s, it is a scavenger, built to scrap ships after the battle is over, not to participate in the dog fight. Those foolhardy enough to try to fight in a Vulture will quickly find the error of their ways as their ship is disabled and their loot is “commandeered.”

Built for long hauls, the Vulture is divided into 4 sections: the industrial section, cockpit, living quarters, and cargo area. Starting at the front of the ship, the 2 long pylons of the industrial section can be seen stretching forth like the prongs of a tuning fork. Only accessible from outside the ship, each pylon contains a S1 salvage beam, which can be used to scrape the exterior hull of ships. Scrap is then pulled towards the ship by the integrated Lariat tractor rig, designed specially for the Vulture. Moving back to where the pylon reaches the fuselage of the ship, pilots will be greeted with a quick access ladder, leading up from the ground directly to the side cockpit door. Once in the cockpit, pilots can sit in the command chair and are greeted with a 270-degree view for maximum visibility in front of the standard Drake controls (you know, the ones that blend duct tape, analog switches, and digital screens). Moving towards the rear of the ship, you will exit the cockpit and enter the living quarters. Built for the long hall, the spartan, yet functional living quarters feature a single bunk, restroom with a shower, and 650 KµSCU of personal storage. Continuing your journey aft, you will come to the weapons rack (home to your trusty FS-9 and sidearm) and a ladder leading down into the cargo area. Entering the cargo area, pilots will see directly to their right the scrap processing unit, responsible for the separating and prepping of the salvage you collect into nice, neat 1 SCU containers. Should you forget your trusty Pyro RYT Multi-Tool or TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment in that cantina you visited last night, fear not! The processing unit is capable of crafting these items for you, allowing you to move the containers of scrap that it produces over to the cargo grid for transport. Please note: that the processing unit will only produce 1 container at a time, and each container must be moved out of the processor ejection area to the cargo grid before the next container can be ejected. Behind the cargo grid is the extra wide cargo ramp, allowing for easy transfer of cargo out of the ship when you are ready to sell it (or for weapons… I mean miscellaneous cargo from the ships you are salvaging to be placed in the ship).

Unfortunately, the Vulture is not for sale within the Stanton System, which begs the question on how you got your hands on one to get off Hurston? But we digress. For Citizens visiting from a different reality, the Vulture can be purchased for $175 USD.

So, while you are out in the black, salvaging your way to retirement, consider this. If you ever encounter a derelict Vulture to salvage, is your Vulture committing cannibalism should you stop to salvage it? Or is it just business and another cog in the great capitalistic machine?

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