Estimated reading time: 2 min


Cargo Capacity460 SCU
SCM Speed80 m/s
Afterburner SpeedTBD
Min/Max Crew3/8
Pitch Max- deg/s
Yaw Max- deg/s
Roll Max- deg/s
X-Axis Acceleration- m/s/s
Y-Axis Acceleration- m/s/s
Z-Axis Acceleration- m/s/s
Weapons Mounts
Gun HardpointsTurrets: 2x2xS6, 6x1xS4, 2x2xS3, 4x1xS3
MissilesMissiles: 4x8xS2
Utility ItemsN/A

Sales Pitch:

Dear Mr. Scrooge McDuck,

We understand that you are a connoisseur of the finer things in life, and we believe we have something that will pique your interest - The Origin 890 Jump. This isn’t just a ship; it’s a testament to success, sophistication, and style.

Unparalleled Design

The 890 Jump boasts a triple-layered graphene enameled hull that not only strengthens the ship but also maintains its pristine appearance. Its fast Stamina V engines ensure you reach your destination swiftly and smoothly, perfect for those spontaneous adventures or urgent business trips.

Luxurious Comfort

Step inside to discover an interior that rivals even the most opulent penthouses. Plush seating, panoramic views, and an entertainment center that brings the latest Spectrum offerings with incomparable clarity. Each of our four guest suites features an island berth with an oversized imperial gelcore mattress and is finished with galung wood, known for its natural luster.

State-of-the-Art Amenities

The 890 Jump is equipped with a robust communication array from Pythia, encrypted with Octa-key security for lossless intra-system data transfer. It also features an advanced Med Bay equipped with an AutoDoc and fully equipped spa facilities designed by Aphod AquaWorks for ultimate relaxation.

Safety and Security

Your safety is our priority. The 890 Jump comes with a rear remote turret and a point defense system offering cutting-edge rapid tracking capabilities and multi-point targeting. In case of emergencies, our escape pods are outfitted with QAD beacon technology and enough supplies to live comfortably for several days.

Exclusive Features

The 890 Jump comes with its own 85X touring ship in the hangar. It also features two bridges - a comfortable captain’s bridge with a wide view and an exquisitely crafted operator seat from Atlas, as well as a battle bridge for any unexpected encounters.

The Origin 890 Jump is more than just a ship; it’s an experience. It’s an expression of success, sophistication, and style. So why wait? Elevate your journey through the stars with the Origin 890 Jump today.

We believe the Origin 890 Jump aligns perfectly with your taste for luxury and grandeur. It’s not just about reaching your destination; it’s about enjoying the journey. And what better way to do so than aboard your very own super-yacht in space? We look forward to welcoming you aboard.

Response from one McDuck received 2 weeks later:

Dear Origin Jumpworks,

Thank you for your detailed sales pitch. The Origin 890 Jump certainly sounds like a vessel that matches my taste for luxury and grandeur. I am particularly intrigued by the spa facilities designed by Aphod AquaWorks.

However, I have a unique request. As you may know, I have a fondness for swimming in my gold coins. It’s a daily ritual that brings me great joy. I was wondering if the pool in the 890 Jump could be modified to hold my gold coins instead of water? This would truly make the 890 Jump feel like home.

I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely, Scrooge McDuck

-Please Note that the Sales Pitch on this page is a work of Fan Fiction and does not represent the interests of Disney or Robert Space Industries. (Angry need you to check this and approve please!)

For those in the Star Citizen universe, you can purchase this magnificent vessel in-game at ArcCorp and Hurston for 32,294,500 aUEC. For Citizens from different realities who wish to experience this interstellar marvel, you can secure your exclusive chance to experience the Galaxy in a remarkable new way by purchasing it from the Pledge Store. Please note that only a limited number of 890 Jumps are available and that they quickly run out when released.

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